Do you have Admirals tickets but are unable to use them?
Here are some helpful ways you can use your tickets to make sure they don’t go to waste!

Increase Profits

1.  Use for trade opportunities
2. Package them with a product to promote sales
3. Reward an employee who comes up with a cost saving suggestion


4. Invite a customer who hasn’t done business with you recently
5. Enhance relationships with those in a position to recommend you or refer your business
6. Use tickets to recruit a new customer
7. Enhance existing relationships
8. Take someone who does business with the competitor
9. Win back a customer who had a problem or complaint
10. Take someone you mentor

Use as a Reward

11. Reward staff for exceptional performance (top salesperson, excellent customer service, most overtime, accident-free work environment, perfect attendance, etc.)
12. Reward your “Employee of the Month”
13. Reward a department that hits their quota or goal

Say Thank You

14. Offer them to someone who has given you helpful business advice
15. Give them to a customer for timely payments or who pays in full
16. Give to a person whom you owe a favor
17. Thank volunteers for all that they do
18. Offer tickets to a service person that has taken care of you
19. Thank a customer who praised your company
20. Give to restaurants that you frequent with clients or family members
21. Treat a loyal customer on his or her birthday
22. Say thank you to a retiring employee

Foster Goodwill

23. Use as donations for charitable causes (use as a tax write-off)
24. Give tickets to a team you sponsor


25. Use as an auction item
26. Use your tickets for a raffle or drawing

Boost Morale

27. Welcome a new employee to the company
28. Get to know key co-workers outside of the office
29. Help part-time workers feel more like part of the organization
30. Give to a prospective employee who is interviewing from out of town
31. Show your appreciation to a company intern
32. Put a smile on an employee’s face who is stressed out
33. Give them to a good employee who doesn’t get commission
34. Have a drawing at work and give them to a lucky employee
35. Use as incentive to promote a healthy lifestyle
36. Congratulate an employee on his/her promotion
37. Treat an employee on his/her birthday
38. Give hem to office security or cleaning staff