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Dine with the Admirals is Feb. 24

Milwaukee, WI–Mark your calendars for Monday, February 24! That night is your opportunity to have dinner with three of your favorite players at our third annual Dine with the Admirals at Major Gooslbys from 6 to 8:30 to help raise money for the Power-Play Foundation.

The cost is just $45 per person and includes dinner from the Goolsbys menu and two drink tickets.This event is limited to the first 92 people to sign up!

Click here to sign-up online I Click here to download a brochure

Back again this year the players will rotate tables twice during the event so each group of four people gets to know three different Admirals. Fans are welcome to sign up with up to four people in a group. Groups of less than four may be joined with other smaller groups to maximize participation.

Also back this year each of the players will create a “Favorite Things” basket that includes their favorite stuff like movies, games, and drinks that will be up for bid via silent auction. The players will also be wearing special “Dine with the Admirals” t-shirts that will be auctioned off at the end of the night.

If you have questions about the event please call the Admirals office at (414) 227-0550 or email us here.

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