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Ads Offer Free Tix for Vets Friday

Milwaukee, WI— The Admirals are pleased to announce that for their 15th consecutive season they will welcome all veterans and active military personnel with tickets for themselves and immediate family members to their home game this Friday, November 1 at 7 pm against the Iowa Wild at Panther Arena, courtesy of USO Wisconsin and United Steel Workers Local 209.

“This is always a special night for us to have these veterans and active military members enjoy one of our games,” said Greenberg. “These men and women and their families have sacrificed so much and this is a very small token of our thanks to them for all they have done.”

In order to claim their free tickets to the game (limit 6), Veterans and active military should click here to request their tickets.

Dropping the ceremonial first puck will be World War II veteran Chuck Franzke, who served in the United States Navy as a pilot from 1943-46, flying Avenger torpedo bombers off the carrier USS Saginaw Bay in the Pacific Theater.

Mr. Franzke, who lives in East Troy, is nearing his 97th birthday in December and is still active joining his wife of nearly 75 years, Bev, in volunteering to help raise funds for Honor Flight.

In addition, all veterans and active military personnel will receive 15% in the Arena Team Shop.

Tickets for non-military for Friday, or any Admirals game, can be purchased at the team’s office, located at 510 W. Kilbourn Ave, during the week from 9:00 am-5:00 pm. In addition, tickets can be purchased over the phone by calling Ticketmaster at (800) 745-3000 or at

Remember to follow the Admirals on Twitter (@mkeadmirals) and like us on Facebook.

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