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Brian Martens

Brian Martens // VP/Business Strategy

Email Brian

1. Where are you from?
Franklin, WI

2. Where did you go to college? What is your degree in?
Bachelor’s Degree at UW- Parkside in Sports Management
MBA from Carroll University in Business Analytics (May 2024 Graduation)

3. What is your position at the Admirals and how long have you been with the Milwaukee Admirals
Director of Ticket Operations & Analytics. I’ve been here since 2004 when I started as a gameday intern.

4. Is cereal soup? Why or why not?
What? No, way. Do you add crushed saltine crackers to cereal? No, no you don’t.

5. How long do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? Explain?
As I’ve said before I’m going to Kory Schooley’s house when the zombies take over. This question can better be answered by him.

6. Do you think penguins have knees? Why or why not?
It doesn’t matter:

7. What do you want to be remembered for?
I’m not sure I want to be remembered.

8. Which species would be the rudest if all animals could talk?
Cats, they’re all jerks.

9. What color would you like if you had to eat a crayon straight from the box and why?
I would never eat a crayon because the paper wrapper would make it taste funny.

10. What’s the worst tagline you can think of for a wart removal cream company?
“Our cream is the best cream to keep your skin smooth.”

11. What would you do if you could replace all of the grass on the planet with something else, and why?
I say replace all the grass with Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups because they’re delicious and then I could just go outside and grab one whenever I want.

12. If you could be in any movie, what would it be and why?
As an actor? The Godfather because it would be cool to work on one of the best movies ever. As in live in a movie’s world? Cast Away seems relaxing.

13. What superhero/villain would make the best therapist and why?
Hulk seems to have a good grasp on his emotions.

14. What is the weirdest thing you have eaten and did you enjoy it?
Oysters are weird and gross and should never be eaten by anyone.

15. Would you rather walk around with a salad for a head or broccoli for arms and why?
WTF? If I have broccoli for arms do I still have my hands? That one I guess.

16. What Guinness Book of World Records record would you like to break?
Most time sleeping in a 24-hour period.

17. If you played hockey, what would your goal song be?
“Brian Song” from Monty Python’s Life of Brian

18. What is one completely useless thing that you can spend hours doing?
Not so much anymore but I used to be able to spend an incredible amount of time playing Madden.

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