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Marcy Schneider

Marcy Schneider //  Executive Assistant

Email Marcy

1. Where are you from?  

Milwaukee WI

2. Where did you go to college?

UW Madison

3. What is your position at the Admirals and how long have you been with the Milwaukee Admirals?

Executive Asst  10th Season

4. Is cereal soup? Why or why not? 

No, it’s grain or oats

5. Do you think penguins have knees? Why or why not?

No, too short

6. What do you want to be remembered for?  

Being kind

7. Which species would be the rudest if all animals could talk?


8.  What color would you like if you had to eat a crayon straight from the box and why?

Blue for clear skies

9.  What Guinness Book of World Records record would you like to break?

Most arts & crafts supplies

10.  What is one completely useless thing that you can spend hours doing?

Watching TV

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