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Garage Sale Set for September 26

Milwaukee, WI—Admirals President Jon Greenberg announced today that the team will hold their annual Garage Sale on Saturday, September 26 at the UW-Milwaukee Panther Arena.

The garage sale will open at 9 am for FULL season ticket holders who are paid in full or on a payment plan for the 2020-21 season. Beginning at 10 am the sale will be open to full and halfs and also Build-Your-Own-Plan holders.

We will shut down from 12-1 and then beginning at 1 pm the Garage Sale is open to the general public.

The sale will feature game-worn jerseys from our historic 50th season, new and game-used sticks, and other game-used equipment all priced significantly below retail value. In addition, Admirals merchandise will be available at a discounted rate.

Click here for a list of available jerseys and their prices.

Masks are required for entrance and fans should enter Panther Arena through the main doors off of Kilbourn Ave and proceed into the bowl area for the sale.

In addition we will have the trophies that the team earned during the 2019-20 season on display.

All items at the garage sale are available on a first-come-first-serve basis. No items are available for sale before the garage sale begins.

Don’t forget to follow the Admirals on Twitter (@mkeadmirals) and like us on Facebook.

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