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Viewing Parties vs Texas are Set

Milwaukee, WI – The Central Division Finals continue this week as the Ads and Stars finish up the series with at least two and maybe three games down in Austin. Of course you can watch all of the action on AHL TV, but why know do it with all the other Ads fans! We’ll be hosting viewing parties for all three games and there will be food and drink specials at each place as well! Here’s the rundown:

Game 3, Wednesday, May 17th at 7 pm at Steny’s, 800 S 2nd St, Milwaukee, WI 53204

Game 4, Friday, May 19th at 7 pm at Major Goolsby’s, 340 W Kilbourn Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53203

Game 5, Sunday, May 21st at 7 pm at Buck Bradley’s, 1019 N. Dr. MLK Jr Dr.

We hope you can make it out for each game and share the fun and excitement of Admirals Playoff Hockey with everyone!

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